Thursday 25 October 2018

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Sunday 23 September 2018

Dance performance

Miss Eales and Room 4 worked really hard to learn the moves of their dance.  We were excited about putting on our costumes and dancing for an audience on Thursday 20 September


Wednesday 12 September 2018

Maths Hive Task

In the Maths Hive we have been learning about units of measurement. 

We have been comparing bottles and discovering how many ml's or l's they each hold. 

We have been weighing stones to find out how heavy 1 kg is and 1/2 a kg (500 grams).

Thursday 16 August 2018

Week 5 Maths Passport!

Maths Fun!

Here are the three links to learn the three different Maths games. All you have to do is play one game a night and have an adult sign your Maths Passport, bring it into school when it is complete and you are in the draw!

For us (the middle school) there is an amazing game of Yahtzee to be won!

So get playing and having fun with Maths at home this week! The winner will be drawn in Week 5s assembly.